28 Februar 2009

Lisa Galibardy

Schon vor längerer Zeit stieß ich auf die Kreationen der Londonerin Lisa Galibardy, die ihren verspielten Schmuck zu sehr annehmbaren Preisen in ihrem Onlineshop verkauft. Bambi, ist ein immer wieder auftauchendes Motiv neben Häschen, Bäumen, Vögeln und anderen fabelhaften Wesen.
I like the jewelry of the London designer Lisa Galibardy. Her main characters are Bambi, trees, birds and other mythical creatures.

Circus meets Russia

Circus meets Russia. Eine der schönsten Strecken, die ich kenne, fotografiert von dem Dänen Mads Teglers. Masken und traditionelle Hüte mit Glanzbildern beklebt, bunter Tüll, Bügelperlen-Objekte, die in der Luft hängen,...und der weiße Hintergrund, der den Bildern noch mehr Ausdruckskraft verleiht - zauberhaft schön.
Beautiful pictures of the danish photographer Mads Teglers.

27 Februar 2009

Zauberponys, Kuckucksuhren und Penismänner

Längere Zeit überlegte ich, ob ich in Gretels Garden nicht mal auf deutsch schreiben sollte. Nun hat mich meine Muttersprache also wieder eingeholt.
Zwei Flyer erregten sofort meine Aufmerksamkeit als ich die Deichtorhallen letzte Woche besuchte. Kein Wunder. Der eine mit einer großen bunten Kuckucksuhr bedruckt, der andere erreichte mich schon durch den Schriftzug „Zauberponys“. „Zauberponys und Penismänner“ und „Who the fuck is Heimat“ heißen die Ausstellungen, die für Mittwoch einen Platz in meinem Kalender gefunden haben.
Zauberponys und Penismänner. Hinter den Titeln „Cindy Lauper Candyland“ und „Fairytale Penisman“ verstecken sich zügellosbunte Phantasiewelten festgehalten in Collagen und Gemälden. Willkommen in der Welt der Sea-Ponys, Tiermenschen, heiteren Penismännern und Busenfrauen von Julia Ziegler!
Kulturreich Galerie Hamburg, Wexstraße 28, 20355 Hamburg, 19.2. – 7.3.09
What the fuck is Heimat? Tradition trifft Popart. Der Künstler Stefan Strumbel verfremdet Kulturgüter wie Kuckucksuhren, Schwarzwälder Trachten und Alltagsgegenstände wie Einkaufswagen und setzt sie neu in Szene. Mit Titeln wie „Who killed Bambi“ und „Heimweh“ stellt er sich die „Heimatfrage“ in Installationen, Objekten, Siebdrucken und Malereien. Karl Lagerfeld ist bekennender Fan von Strumbels Werken und ließ sich letztes Jahr neben Strumbel-Uhren im Stern ablichten. Die Ausstellung, die schon in verschiedenen Städten verweilte macht nun endlich auch einen Zwischenstop im hohen Norden.
Vicious Gallery, Kleine Freiheit 46, 22767 Hamburg, 28.2. – 21.3.09
Einem Nachmittag mit viel Bunt, Ponys und Gartenzwergen steht also nichts mehr im Wege!
I decided to write in German, too. These are two exhibitions in Hamburg. Colorful and imaginative, with cuckoo clocks, ponys and other funny things. Just my style! I will visit it next week.

21 Februar 2009

Blutsgeschwister Spring/Summer 09

The first clothes of the Blutsgeschwister Spring/Summer collection 2009 are available at the online shop! I had so much things to do I did not yet go to the Hamburg shop of my favourite brand. But maybe on Monday and than I will bring the Lookbook. I'm very excited to see it because it's very special each season. I already saw a cute blouse at the online shop but in the Hamburg shop are much more clothes....can't wait to see it!

Home sweet home.

Now the H&m Home Collection is available. I already told you about it in december. On Thursday I saw the catalogue at work the first time. So many home accessoiries! "Graphic & basic" , "Colour & energy", "natural & individual" and "classic & maritime" are the four topics in the catalogue. I just ordered it at the H&M website for myself. I will get it in the beginning of march and then I maybe will order some stuff, like the button pillow.

19 Februar 2009

Inspector Closeau

Inspector Closeau, Magnum or my dad in the Eighties - mustachos, mustachos! I really would like to have a necklace with a mustache. My favourites are: the first one, the gold one and the brown one, the man is wearing. Looks very well to my frills blouses or to a white shirt. Lovely idea!
silver: Digby & Iona, gold: Ach Ach Liebling, brown: Jack Rabbit, small: Demitasse Jewelry, black: Tatty Devine, mussy mustache: Digby & Iona

16 Februar 2009

Rope skipping

I really like rope accessories like braided necklaces or bracelets. The bracelets are designed by Sabrina Dehoff. The colourful one is my favourite! It reminds me of skipping ropes of my childhood. The purple necklace is made by the brand Gabriel & Schwan.

15 Februar 2009

Sunday Inspiration

Her scarf looks like a little pullover of a child. It fits very well to her coat. Nice idea, very unique!

14 Februar 2009

Flowers for you

My first flowers this year. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

13 Februar 2009


Recently, I received an award from anmutig (very cute blog!) for my blog. Thank you very much! I am very honored and happy people like my blog! Now it’s my turn to give the award "Your blog is fabulous" to some of my favourite blogs. You were all nominated and each of your blog is very special. Here are some of my favourite blogs:
Best pictures: Saliv och törst
Best Style Poland: Alice Point
Best Style Bavaria: Dotti’s Dots
Favourite fashion information: What’s wrong with the zoo?
Best combination of fashion & art: f&art
Favourite flea market hunter: In Lust we trust (I love the Chanel necklace you found!)
Lovely inspiration: LOLITA
Best Hamburg blog: La Lila

Best DIY Blog: Frau Liebe

08 Februar 2009

Little blue riding hood

On Thursday I found a follower for my H&M Trend winter coat. This is my new spring coat from Urban Outfitters. I love the little puff sleeves, the cut and the hood. I thought I couldn't wear it for a long time because it's to cold outside but on Friday we had 10 degrees in Hamburg! The leather gloves I bought at Urban Outfitters, too. They are from my lovely brand "Manoush".
shoes: Vagabond
scarf: Fitting Forward
skirt: Vintage
bag: Vintage

02 Februar 2009

Im Paradisum Pyramidum

"Star Styling Berlin" is the brand of the German designers Katja Schlegel and Kai Seifried. Prints like to horse shoes that look like the chanel logo, lots of colours, wide cuts and extra-long clothes are typical for them. The playful spring/summer collection 2009 is called "Im Paradisium Pyramidum". I like the pictures with lots of different colourful masks. Starstyling has an online shop and a shop in Berlin,too.

Monday trip to vintage shop

To make monday much easier I went to Kleidermarkt, a vintage store in Hamburg, after studying. And I found these two beautiful things: a high-waist skirt in dark blue with dots and lovely borders and this brown leather bag I can also wear as a clutch.
I also found black boots with laces, nearly the same I already have in white but they were to small. I also searched for my sailor blouse and a dark blue military jacket but sadly I was not successful...

01 Februar 2009

Berlin Fashion Week: King of Skies

An ultra large garden gnome, a snowman, swinging models wearing skies, a man riding a plastic pony and a lots of other strange things the viewers saw at the Fashionshow (better fashion installation) of the fashion designer Bernhard Willhelm yesterday. Bernhard Willhelm is well known for his vanguard and excentric collections. I wish I had seen this performance live. I'm a fan of such performances. Colourful and fascinating! Below you can see his woman spring/summer collection 2009.
pictures via elle, lesmads, hintmag

Brooches wonderland

I love brooches. So I have a lot of them...and I'm still searching for more...
rabbit: Barcelona, horse: flea market, elephants: present, bird: Tukadu, Berlin, medal with flowers: blutsgeschwister, tennis racket: flea market, bow with anchor: Blutsgeschwister, ducks: flea market, bird: flea market, kissing couple under umbrella: flea market, rose: flea market, guitar: flea market, heidi brooch: present (souvenir), Walrus Antje: childhood, leaf: flea market, button with sailor: Barcelona, walking stick with horse shoe: flea market
I lost my favourite brooch: sweet gold nerd glasses!