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Last summer I made a "Streetstyle-Block". In fashion design we got the mission to make a streetstyle block, a print version of a fashion blog. My topic was memorabilia, first of all memories of the childhood related to fashion. I photographed about thirty people in Hamburg which was not that easy. And asked them three questions: Do you wear something of your parents or grandparents? What do you remind when you think of your hat/skirt...? Do you wear something of your childhood? Did you treasure anything? Furthermore I searched for memorabilia and things of the childhood in different streetstyle blogs and compared them (like pony necklaces, lego brooches, Bambi-Shirts, Kelly Family Pants, .....). Tokyo definitely won, followed by London and Helsinki. On the last place was Paris. I found only a few things that reminds me to childhood. Above you can see my three favourite looks.
AntwortenLöschen♥ Dotti
Danke Dotti.
AntwortenLöschenooooh der schlachthof im sommer, da wird man ja richtig wehmütig...
AntwortenLöschenDa hast du Recht..ich freue mich schon so auf den Sommer in Hamburg!